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When you want to scale to a new level – and the old methods aren’t working…

It’s time to do something a little different.

There’s a significant difference between small roofing or solar companies that are happy to just tick over…


… and a million dollar plus roofing or solar companies that want to continue their growth to ever higher levels.


Small companies can survive on inefficient marketing strategies. A couple of extra deals here and there is enough to keep them fully busy. 


Whereas, for bigger companies, making meaningful improvements to sales figures becomes increasingly difficult. 


For companies that want to scale upwards towards the $10 million per year level, the old saying has never been more true: 


What got you where you are today won’t get you where you want to be tomorrow.

Something has to change. These companies need the kind of customer generation activity that is able to:


  • consistently locate and attract homeowners who are intending to replace their roof or want to get solar panels installed,


  • sort those who are ‘just looking’ from those who are serious about buying,


  • deliver those lead details to you exclusively so that you’re the only company calling them,


  • require the lead to book a roof inspection appointment to show real commitment,


  • be scalable on demand – turn it on as your capacity expands, turn it off when you’re over-busy,


  • be trackable, so you know where your new orders are coming from,


  • do all this at lead costs that are up to 80% below the industry average.



Now is the time to step up a level.

Here’s what doesn’t work when you want to scale past $1 million per year revenue



To succeed beyond the $1 million, $5 million and $10 million per year levels – in an industry as competitive as roofing and solar – the standard alternatives become much less viable for you. 


You may have tried one or two of these:




Generic marketing agencies

Most marketing agencies will work with any client in any industry. They will use any platform that the client prefers. They are experts in no industries and they are masters of no platform. Their skills are spread widely and thinly. For start-up firms they can be useful. 


But for established firms in competitive industries looking to transform their sales results… they simply lack the depth of insight and knowledge to make that happen.




Google ads



Google Ads can be helpful for specialist, low-competition industries. But they’re notoriously expensive for competitive industries like roofing and solar. The cost-per-click is now sky-high.  Yet, many ‘clickers’ are just doing some research. They have little or no intention of actually buying this year. You can pay $80 for each wasted click and simply watch your ad budget vanish before your eyes…




Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)



Writing blog content for the search engines is a long game. We need regular weekly posts for 6 months minimum – but usually a year or more – just for Google to rank us. Again, the keywords are ultra competitive, and you’re always trying to catch up with the firms that started before you. And still there’s little assurance you’ll win the customer in the end.




Lead websites

Angi, Home Advisor, Houzz… Sure, these seem so easy to use. But that’s exactly why every Tom, Dick and Harry uses them. And that’s why that lead that you just paid $150 for has already been called by 5 other roofing companies. 





Radio and TV slots

These channels are untargeted and expensive. They can be useful for brand awareness – getting your name known. But for fresh customers for next month’s sales target? They’re way too unpredictable.





Door knocking, referrals, billboards, printed mail…

Relatively cheap, they get a sale or two but are difficult to track, very difficult to scale to the levels you aspire to. And they’re impossible to turn into a consistent source of qualified, ready-to-buy customers.


And so on. 


What these – and other channels – have in common is that they’re either hard to do, hard to scale or they’re expensive… or all three. And at their best they only produce a person’s contact information – not a booked appointment.

Here’s what does work when you want to scale past $1 million per year revenue.


If you’re in the $1 million to $10 million per year revenue bracket – and you want to grow beyond that – then your marketing approach must be sharper and more focused. Which means:


1. A specialist roofing and solar sales agency


Feel and see the difference of working with an agency like Rebuildify. That


  • is dedicated to 2 industry – Roofing and Solar. We work with nobody else.,


  • works with selected companies only from selected countries. We understand your industry and your audience,


  • is using the one lead generation platform that strongly outperforms all others in this context.


2. Focus on the one ads platform that delivers everything for roofing and solar companies


That single most powerful source of new roofing or solar customers is Facebook. 


Whether you personally like Facebook or not, is not what matters here.


What really matters is that,


  • Facebook has roughly 2.9 billion active users – 71% of Americans have an account,


  • millions of America’s 240 million Facebook users own their homes,


  • on any given day, several thousand of them need a new roof,


  • Facebook’s targeting tools means we can hyper-focus roofing ads on those homeowners,


  • with our approach, Facebook ad costs for our clients are some 80% below industry averages.


Facebook’s complex but powerful targeting capabilities plus our relentless focus on the technical of testing, altering and measuring results is the difference that is going to make the difference. 


3. Not leads generation but appointments generation


Good quality leads are essential for businesses of all types. 

But for roofing and solar companies, the one thing that’s better than a good lead… is a ready to go booked appointment. 


Because that’s a customer who has shown real commitment to the purchase of their roof or solar. Not ‘just looking’ – but ‘ready to buy’.


We create an online calendar with your availability plugged in. And we ask our leads to book their appointment with you using that calendar. You get an email notification of the appointment – and that’s your next roofing deal already half-done. 


4. A structured sales process that all your people can operate with confidence


We didn’t start off showing companies how to close deals. But time and again roofing and solar clients told us it was a serious commercial problem for them. Not all their staff were confident sales people, and their selling method was often just made up on the day.


This is a waste of good appointments.


Working with some of the most savvy Roofing and Solar companies, we’ve perfected a straightforward sales structure that covers the whole inspection appointment. This process doesn’t hurry – or harass – anyone. The roofers and solars themselves feels at ease doing it – and the customer doesn’t even realize it’s happening. 


The appointment flows naturally from introduction, to inspection, to pricing to asking for the deal. 


But it also contains some essential ingredients that so many roofing professionals simply don’t realize are necessary to a successful sale. 


Our sales structure reassures the customer that they are in good hands – and helps the roofers come across as knowledgeable, thorough professionals. 


We are securing for you high-grade roofing and solar appointments – we want you to turn them into sales! This short sales training is the key to ensuring that not one potential customer gets away. 


5. Everything done off your branding and website


Your campaigns are fully branded using your company name, logos, and colors. 

So the customers we find for you will know who you are.  And they will be expecting your call. 


Your branded ads are visible even to people who aren’t currently looking for a new roof or solar. So they’ll be familiar with you when they are… 


6. A fully managed, done-for-you service


You can have as much or as little involvement in our work as you wish. 


And our online platform tracks everything we do, shows you every pre-written email or text we’re sending… and even tracks leads from other sources. You can geek out with us…


Or you can let us get on with it, and we’ll update you at agreed intervals according to your preferences. 

We protect our clients’ businesses and do not take on clients in geographical areas where we already have a client.


To work with us, please click here to see if you qualify – it takes about 60 seconds. 

Your new roofing and solar leads sales funnel.



All the above are components in Rebuildify's leads funnel:


  • Targeted Facebook ads


  • Landing page asking reader for house and contact details


  • Scheduler to book a roof and solar inspection


  • Sales team-trained by us to help make the inspection event become a sale



Fewer leads… but much better quality and far less work for you.



You’re already aware that at any given moment, there are dozens of people in your geographical area who are days away from placing a new roof or order. 


Our ad campaigns pick them out. And, by making them book a roofing or solar inspection appointment, we shift our dozens of ‘just looking’ and ‘just curious’ leads – and leave you with all the ‘let’s go’ leads. 


That’s fewer leads – but these are motivated leads. Because they’re actually appointments. 


And your roofing or solar company is the only one who gets them. So you’re going to be able to close more of them, more quickly with less competition and far less sales resistance, avoidance, and delay.


One size does not fit all.


Our lead generation framework is custom fitted round your company’s specific goals and challenges. 


So, our Facebook ads are custom designed for your company and your market. 

Copy is written exclusively for you, and we use real photos of your people or of your work. 


We use your company name, your logos, your colors… so that we’re building your brand as we build your customer base. 



We apply continuous, ongoing improvement to your ad campaigns



We monitor ad performance daily and tweak ads continuously. 


There’s no hope-and-pray here. We constantly look for the extra edge that will attract more ready-to-buy prospects for you.


We’re ad geeks at heart and love getting an extra drop of sweetness out of our campaigns. 


You can follow your sales process using our platform, where everything is laid out for you. Or we’ll set up a review meeting with you to summarize what we’re doing and how well it’s working. 


But be assured, we’re always active on your behalf. We don’t stop until you tell us to – usually when you can’t service the new orders and need to slow the campaign a while. 

We work with companies that meet certain criteria.


Click below to book an appointment to see if you qualify 

There’s always too much business out there – so get your share


New requirements always exist in significant numbers. Each week, hundreds of homeowners decide to replace their current roof. 


The business is everywhere, it exists in quantity in every town, area, county and city of the World. 


The skill is in sifting the ‘ready-to-buy’ homeowner from the ‘just looking’ – and then getting the ‘ready-to-buy’ to notice and then choose to work with you.


Our sales solution does just that. It is comprehensive and complete. 


We’re not giving you a piece of the puzzle that you then have to struggle to make the most of. This is a done-for-you, start-to-finish process; the loop is closed and there are no leakages. 


You get on the train at one end and ride it to a sale at the other end. 


And that’s the Rebuildify sales generation solution. 


Want to know how well it works? See our results here.


Questions? Our FAQs are here.

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